Players are outlined for the entire round, while the boss gets outlined after some minutes
A Timer shows up and tells you how long you'll have to finish off Billy before the players get slayed Main Thread, also contains download links and more infos about him! His own Subplugin (which is included in the download folder) A cooldown appears, after 50 seconds (+30 seconds every additional life lose), he regenerates a life (If enabled) He has 4 lives (2 lives when live regeneration is on), on life lose: Gains Minicrits, the Defensive and Regen buffs Gets one of five random Grenade Launchers
Switches to one of nine different classes Enables HUDs, such as the win / lose ratio, the current difficulty etc. Enables grapplinkhook for the enemies (if enabled) Weapon: Grenade Launcher / Stock melee Weapon (depens on his current class) / Grapplinkhook (if enabled)